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TC016-FEA106 Dark mode accessibility in application

Test Case ID TC016
Test case designer Minna Tapojärvi
Creation date 23.02.2024
Classification Accessibility
Origin Feature

Test description / objective

Use browser extensions to test accessibility in Tukko. Especially zooming, since some texts tend to be very low contrast when zoomed.


Virtual machine that has Tukko running for testing.

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Open Tukko page Is Tukko running
2. Fire up the extension Choose colorblindness mode
3. Zoom in and out Verify that text are visible well


All the information should be easily visible.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Information is visible and you can use the application in colorblind mode.
  • FAIL CONDITION: Information is not visible.