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Risk Management Plan

RISK ID Description Impact How to prevent from happening/ What should be done
RIS001 Team member gets sick for a short period (a couple of days) S5 Inform the team
RIS002 Team member has to be away from the project a longer period (a week or more because of other studies for example) S4 Inform the team and responsible teacher in good time
RIS003 Team member isn't able to get his job done for deadline (lack of motivation/time/other personal issues) S3 Discussion between team members to find a solution
RIS004 Team member has to leave the project S2 Meeting immediately and discussion about the future of the project
RIS005 Problems with internet connections/electricity S3 Connections with cellphones should work for information
RIS006 Problems wrapping up a sprint on time S4 Checking the issues and open discussion
RIS007 Problems keeping up with Gates/important deadlines S2 Checking the work load and issues often and discussion about if anybody needs help
RIS008 The work load is not evenhandedly and fairly shared S3 Assignmets should be fairly shared based on skills and interests and supervised so they will be done on time
RIS009 Work load is too much for the team, some chosen issues has to be dropped off S2 Discussion between team members and reducing the work load with removing some issues
RIS010 Some issue is too hard to execute and has to be dropped off S2 Discussion between team member if anyone has time to take it or help with that issue. If not, issue must be dropped off.
RIS011 Problems with using different tools (for example Docker) S3 Asking help from team members or team coaches or spending more time learning materials
RIS012 Conflict between team and customer (different expectations or views) S2 Open discussion between both sides and informing the scrum master/ teacher
RIS013 Conflict between team members S3 Open discussion always and willingness to work as a team and to find a solution.
RIS014 Problems communicating with customer S2 Open discussion between both sides and informing the scrum master/ teacher
RIS015 Problems documenting and keeping the documentation up to date S5 Informing the team and continuing the documentation as soon as possible before important things become forgotten.

Severity descriptions

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Very severe - continuing monitoring Will totally stop the whole project, cannot be predicted
S2 Very high - active monitoring Will stop, slow down or change notable the project when happening, but we can be prepared beforehand and have influence over it
S3 Normal - will be observed Will slow down the project, but we can operate with it
S4 Possible - observation needed Might slow down the project and affect on timetables/wrapping up a sprint
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed Won't affect on bigger picture/timetables and but affects on a single sprint going smoothly as planned