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Current Status

Team should update this status report every sprint.

Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 00 Date 22.1.2024

What has been achieved

We have been discussing about the assignment in general and issues which must be done at the end of this sprint. We also selected assignees for all the issues which are now in progress. Roles have been already decided; Eetu is the teamleader, Annemari is responsible for security, Anni operations, Ilari general and Minna testing. Ilari has been chosen to be our administrator and Minna to be our test manager. We have no developer, but >some team members are eager to take care of that field. Also updating homepage and documenting the project has started.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

At the moment the whole project with its issues and tasks seems to be a little chaotic since we really don't know if we have enough skills and experience to make it work. Now we have to go through all the given material and complete this weeks issues to make things more understandable. Nothing too heavy, yet. For example studying and creating first virtual machines on CSC, learning how to use Figma, recapping agile development and studying about production. What is the product, how's it working and which are major features of it.

Next steps

At the next meeting on friday we will be discussing about these issues and how we managed to do them. We are going to need more information about this project and after Narsus next presentation we will continue working with that new information and new issues. Our primary focus is now on the ongoing issues and getting to know for example the customer and tools we need to use in this project.

Status of sprint 00 Date 26.1.2024

What has been achieved

After our Daily Scrum and Narsus session we continued working with issues, for example completing and commenting on issues which are done and adding more team members to some issues. Also homepage has been updated and logo made.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Nothing too heavy that needs to be mentioned.

Next steps

Next monday we will be getting more information about our assignment so we are waiting eagerly for it. Then we hopefully know exactly what is expected from us and can really start working with this product/project .

Status of sprint 01 Date 29.1.2024

What has been achieved

After our Daily Scrum and Narsus info we started working with new issues. We decided who will start to work with which issue and what are the weight values for each issue. Also now the product owner has revealed the features and user stories for the assignment, so we decided which features/tickets we want to take and try to add to Tukko. Features we chose at this moment:

  • FEA102 Securely authenticate user accounts (US002, US004)
  • FEA106 Improve dark mode colors (US045)
  • FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness (US046)
  • FEA201 Export data to csv from the database (US003)
  • FEA304 Localization for Swedish (US058)
  • FEA404 Enforce secure coding practices (US018)
  • FEA406 Harden all the containers (US056)
  • FEA515 Automate tests for frontend and backend code (US038, US039, US040)
  • FEA516 Manual testing (US060)

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Maybe only problem at this moment is that we really can't say for sure if we have enough talent to add the chosen features to Tukko, but we are eager and willing to try our best.

Next steps

Now everybody has started working with their task and issues, for example looking for more information, creating virtual machines, updating the documents, getting to know Docker and so on. On friday morning we will discuss what has been achieved and continue on-going issues.

Status of sprint 01 Date 2.2.2024

What has been achieved

We had a discussion about chosen issues and what everybody has been doing since last monday. (Our working days are mondays and fridays when we have Future Factory course in our schedules.) Some documenting and learning has been done. We started to wonder if we have enough time to complete all those 9 issues we chose, but we agreed to decide that later next week or before sprint 1 ends.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems to mention. Since our team lacks a developer, we might have some problems coding in the future, but on the other hand some team members are eager to try coding and are already skilled in it so they are able to program some chosen features.

Next steps

Everybody continues with their task, which we discussed and decided last monday. On Daily Scrum next monday we will see what has been done and what are our next steps.

Status of sprint 01 Date 5.2.2024

What has been achieved

After our daily scrum we had a Discord session together, where Eetu and Ilari showed us how to use My CSC and Pouta together, shared information about them and also told how to get Putty working with the right IP addresses and so on. There's now two virtual machines made. Eetu also tried to get Docker working right on one virtual machine. Everybody will continue working with their issues and writing documents for project management file.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

To get the Docker running in virtual machine and making containers were tough at first, but Eetu and Minna together with the help of Ilari came to solution. Still there are some problems with connections and for example in following the given instructions about Dockers, we think they should be more precise because there were some information or steps missing. Because of problems with Docker, all working time went to meeting and solving problems, so no much time left for completing issues and documentation. Two frontend containers are now running in virtual machine 1 but backend is not working. Also we don't know how to get connections working from virtual machines.

Next steps

Familiarization and documentation continues (should be done this week before sprint 2 starts).

Status of sprint 01 Date 9.2.2024

What has been achieved

After the daily scrum and Narsus session we continued with our issues, mainly documenting and getting the virtual machine working right. We finished almost all issues, which was great! Some documenting to do for next sprint, for eaxample stuff for requirements specification, but not so much anymore. Our tester went to the Discord meeting for testers and told about it later to other team members.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

All problems with Docker are now under control and two virtual machines are running great.

Next steps

We will find out about new issues next monday, so we are waiting for them. Also team members are doing Future Factory IT Kestävä Kehitys- course at the same time and we need to spend some time with it also.

Status of sprint 02 Date 12.2.2024

What has been achieved

New sprint and new issues. Documenting continues and we started working with new issues also. All documents must be completed at the end of this sprint (by E1). We thought about the features we have chosen and decided to keep all of them at the moment. Some of us are starting to make a MockUp for UI features, like color contrast and localization.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems to mention, some accident with updating the repository (two people at the same time working with the same document and so the other persons work was overwritten, but not totally lost, phew).

Next steps

Everyone continues with their tasks and we will see next friday what has been achieved. Also we will discuss about chosen features if we will keep them all or drop off some. Nine features is going to need a lot of work and skills.

Status of sprint 02 Date 16.2.2024

What has been achieved

Updating the documents are still in progress, but we have plenty of information and documentation already done, so everything seems pretty good in that field. After our daily scrum and Narsus session, we had a brief team meeting and then everybody went to listen to the presentation in Discord by Gofore's Minttu and Matti. The presentation was about development, ticketing, sprint backlogging and user stories in general.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems, this sprint is going fine, everybody continues with their tasks.

Next steps

We will meet at Teams next monday and see what we have done before that. Everyone has their own tasks and issues to complete. We didn't discuss today about the chosen nine features, like we decided last monday, we forgot. But we will do it next week.

Status of sprint 02 Date 19.2.2024

What has been achieved

We had a pretty long team meating where we checked the Gate 1 review check list and if there's still assignments which must be done before friday (Gate 1). The list was long and we noticed there's so much stuff to do and documents to write. The whole team has worked whole days every day, but still there's so much to do before Gate 1 review. But there is one person missing in our team, we have only five members when most of teams have more, so it explains why we might be so "slow" to complete all issues.

We also discussed about the chosen nine features and decided we are going to keep them all.

Our teams security person took part of the SEC meeting at Discord by Iiro from Solita. The meeting lasted about 2 hours.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Maybe only problem now is the limited time. We hope we can finish all the documents and assignments in G1 review check list before next friday, so we have everything ready to present if needed.

Next steps

Everybody's working hard to get every file and document ready for G1 review. We shall see in next scrum meeting if we have managed to complete needed assignments. If not, then we still have that morning to get thing done before presentations.

Status of sprint 02 Date 23.2.2024

What has been achieved

Today was G1 review, and it was great to see the work what some teams have been doing and their documentation. We closed some issues and moved some to next sprint.

Do we have a problems/challenges?


Next steps

Next week we have a spring holiday, so no working with project. We will continue on monday 4.3.2024.

Status of sprint 03 Date 4.3.2024

What has been achieved

We had a daily scrum at 9, like we always do. After that was a short session with Narsu and at 12 o'clock everybody attented to a Discord meeting which was held by DEV mentors - Matti from Gofore and Taina from Loihde. They told us some quick tips for version control, clean code and how to review code. Then we continued our team meeting where we discussed about our features and what features we are going to implement first. We decided, that we are going to start with maybe easiest ones; FEA304 Localization for Swedish and FEA106 Improve dark mode colors.

Do we have problems/challenges?

No problems yet.

Next steps

Documenting continues and studying as well, for example React and other tools. If there is time to start working with issues, then that too.

Status of sprint 03 Date 8.3.2024

What has been achieved

We had our Daily Scrum at 9 o'clock and then after Narsus information we continued checking our on going tasks. We decided to continue documenting, it's our priority at this moment. Last monday some team members started to work with FEA304 Localization for Swedish and already translated JSON-files to Swedish. They are continuing with that feature after documentation.

Also we noticed that new user stories has been added to some features we have chosen:

  • US069 As a user, I want to be able to register a user account and login to Tukko appliction with it. (FEA102)
  • US070 As a developer, I want to implement a React user registration and login component. (FEA102)
  • US071 As a developer, I want to utilize ready-made and established components and instructions when implementing new modules. (FEA102)

And so the Product Mind Map is also updated with these new user stories.

Do we have problems/challenges?


Next steps

Next week, when most of the documentation will be ready, we are finally going to start to work with features. We haven't decided yet which are the primary features but our Road Map shows the timing plan for chosen features. We will meet next monday at 9 o'clock and then continue working with the project.

Status of sprint 04 Date 11.3.2024

What has been achieved

Almost all documenting is done. New issues and user stories for new sprint has been put to issue board and shared between team members. Familiarization and learning continues, for example Robot Framework is a new thing and we should find out what it is. FEA304 Localization for Swedish is under work right now. Working with FEA106 Improve dark mode colors is starting today. Also FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness is processing with familiarization about accessibility.

Do we have problems/challenges?

Documenting has taken so much of our time, that we haven't had a chance to start working with features (only FEA304). But it's not really a problem, we still think we have enough time to finish all chosen features in time.

Next steps

Everybody continues with their tasks, all team members have plenty of work to do. Next friday in Scrum Meeting we will see what has been achieved and share what we have been learning.

Status of sprint 04 Date 15.3.2024

What has been achieved

Features FEA304 Localization for Swedish and FEA106 Improve dark mode colors are still under development. Also we have started to work with FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness. All documents will be ready today, only a little bit to add to Requirement specification.

Do we have problems/challenges?

Maybe some minor issues with virtual machines and how to get them working when testing the color changes. But it's not really a problem, just learning new things.

Next steps

We are working with these three features at the moment. Next monday (18.3.) we have an IT event on campus at 12.00 and it's mandatory for everybody and a part of Future Factory studies, so we will be there. So we won't have time to work with this project that day.

Status of sprint 04 Date 18.3.2024

What has been achieved

We had our Daily Scrum at 9 and then we made a powerpoint presentation for friday about the status of our project. Soon after that we went to Dynamo and joined "IT-alan työllistäjiä ja suuntauksia"-event, which lasted from 12 to 16.

A runner for both backend and frontend has been set up by team sec with the help of other teams sec.

Do we have problems/challenges?


Next steps

The project will continue as planned next friday.

Status of sprint 04 Date 22.3.2024

What has been achieved

We had Sprint 4 review today. FEA106 Improve dark mode colors and FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness are ready for testing.

Do we have problems/challenges?


Next steps

We took some next features under work, for example FEA406 Harden all the containers.

Status of sprint 05 Date 25.3.2024

What has been achieved

Working with same features continues. Familiarization is still under work, because there are so many new programming languages and technologies some of us have no skills before hand. For example creating a swedish flag button for FEA304 Localization for Swedish is pretty hard, because it's hard to find the right file and code to change and implement new code. Also working with feature FEA406 Harden all the containers is hard, because it's difficult to learn about Docker and then try to find how to make containers more secure. Now it's clear what has to be done, but learning how it should be done is still in progress.

Do we have problems/challenges?

Some difficulties with features mentioned above, but at least we are still learning new things all the time even though there are no new code to show off.

Next steps

Theres a Demo Day coming 15.4.2023 and we should start to prepare ourselves for that so we have something to show to the customer. Also working with same features continues. Next friday and monday (our working days) are holidays because of Easter, so this fifth sprint will be shorter. Next time we will meet 5.4.2023 and see what is our current status.

Status of sprint 05 Date 5.4.2024

What has been achieved

FEA106 Improve dark mode colors and FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness are ready for testing (only a swedish flag button missing in app) and they will be tested today.

Do we have problems/challenges?

Some problems getting the Robot Framework to work, but familiarization with it is still going on. Also other problems dealing with Tukko's data and loading it. And then the feature about hardening the containers will be not implemented, because it won't serve our project and might make thing harder working with virtual machines. But the information which has been gathered about hardening the containers and learning about it won't be in vain, for example it will be added to end report.

Next steps

We will continue working with chosen issues and features.

Status of sprint 06 Date 8.4.2024

What has been achieved

Sprint 06 has started. FEA106 and FEA110 are almost ready and tested. Documentation about FEA406 Harden All the Containers done (we won't implement it, but some team member has been learning about hardening the containers and have documented it for others.) Writing the Project End Report has started. Also some team member is making a Power Point show for Demo Day, which is 15.4.2024.

Do we have problems/challenges?

Some minor problems with testing.

Next steps

Everybody continues working with their issues and we will meet again next friday.

Status of sprint 06 Date 12.4.2024

What has been achieved

Power Point show for Demo Day is ready, also the Demo Day page in OPF. Minor fixes for the features mentioned above. Writing the Project end report is going on. Things with Robot Framework are going smoothly.

Do we have problems/challenges?

Some issues with the feature about Swedish language and getting some minor part of the translation to work within the code.

Next steps

The team is getting ready to present their work in Demo Day next monday.

Status of sprint 06 Date 15.4.2024

What has been achieved

  • FEA106 Improve dark mode colors (US045)
  • FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness (US046)
  • FEA304 Localization for Swedish (US058)
  • FEA405 Implement automated security testing pipeline (US019)


  • FEA406 Harden all the containers (US056)


Do we have problems/challenges?


Next steps

Status of sprint 06 Date 19.4.2024

What has been achieved

Today is the last day for implementation and working with the product. After our Daily Scrum and Narsus instructions we met at Discord. Now the arrangements for Mondays End Seminar are done, also the Sprint Review is done. Now all what is left to do is the End Report, so we will write it today. If it will be ready today, one team member will read it through and check that the text is coherent and the whole documentation is well formulated.

Do we have problems/challenges?


Next steps

At the end of the day we will meet again and see if the report is ready to be checked or not. Otherwise we are ready for Mondays End Seminar.

Status of sprint 07 Date 22.4.2024

What has been achieved

This is the last day of this project. We had our last Daily Scrum at nine o'clock as always. Everything is now done. One team member has delivered the End Report. At 12.15 we had the End Seminar in Zoom-channel.